Thanks for our help with the Penn Road Street Party…

Earlier this year we helped out with the Penn Road Street Party, a street party held in Fenny Stratford to raise money for local charities. We recently received a letter of thanks from the organisers:

Dear Barrel Bikers,

As the Chair of the Penn Road Street Party Committee I am writing to thank you for all the help that the Barrel Bikers provided towards the Penn Road Street Party 2015.
This year we chose to split the proceeds between Carers MK and Young Carers MK. We raised just over £1,500.
Numerous Barrel Bikers helped in many different ways, in particular lending us lots of equipment, helping to set it all up, and setting off the fireworks (which were fantastic). Big John also brought loads of pasties up from Cornwall and Tim James provided the Young Carers with tickets for ice skating at Alexandra Palace. Tim also won the Start Prize in the raffle!
I am pleased to confirm that every single penny people spent on their tickets, and every single penny people spent on raffle tickets, has already gone to Carers MK and Young Carers MK.
Once again everybody had a great time and it wouldn’t be possible without the help of the Barrel Bikers. Thanks again for your continuing support and please accept my apologies for not writing to you sooner.

Toni Cardinali, Chair
Penn Road Street Party Committee

Pictures of people arriving or leaving the GPO

Thanks to Kate, we have some pictures of riders arriving or leaving our GPO rally. If you would like a hi-res version of any of these pictures, click on the picture, take a note of the file name and get in touch with us:

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