How to become a Barrel Biker

The Barrel Bikers are a very sociable bunch. But, like any club, we like to make sure that those wishing to join us (a) understand what we expect from our members and (b) understand how we like to work and play. We find that an extended “trial period” helps us, and the proposed member, get to know each other and see if we are the right fit for each other. Our only rule for full membership qualification is that we must see you ride a bike (we are, after all, a motorcycle club!). The membership process normally follows something along these lines:

  1. Come and visit us on a Wednesday evening a few times (preferably on your bike). Have a chat to us and make sure that you like us!
  2. If, after a few visits, you feel like you might fit; apply for membership. One of the committee will need to second your application so it is always wise to chat to a committee member before applying.
  3. You then have 3 months as a pre-proposal member in which we both get to know each other better. Make the most of this time to chat to other club members and find out more about us in detail (or about the Chairman’s misdeeds 🙂 )
  4. After 3 months, the full members of the club will be asked to vote on your application and whether we should accept you as a proposal member. If the vote is yes, you become an official proposal member and allowed to wear the proposal club clothing.
  5. Your proposal status continues for a further 9 months; a time in which we like to see you help and integrate with the club further.
  6. After the 9 months, the full members of the club will again vote on your membership becoming made full. Should the members vote yes, welcome aboard! Full membership entitles you to wear club clothing, the club patch and vote in club decisions.

You may have noticed that we run a few events each year. As a club member (and especially in the proposal periods) we expect you to help the club out at these events. We also like to see you at our regular Wednesday night meetings.

We also have “associate” members in the club. These are members who do not ride, and so do not qualify for full membership, but actively help or contribute to the club and the club has invited them to be come an associate member in recognition of their hard work and contributions. Associate membership is an honour granted by the club and may not be applied for.